Cute Pink Kaoani


Hey this is where all the pictures of mine will be shown..Hope you like it 

Me,when I was 6 year old.If u wanna know where am I,well,
you can guess it well cos I'm the cutest girl there..Ngahahah.....seriously......

This is my mom with my dad,barely see him driving..this picture was taken on Hari Raya =)

Wohohoho,this is my little nephew with my Uncle Deny!!Which the title should be named,'Ahnee and the Yoshimura'!!!surely cos he looks like japanese/korean/chinese.. Lol

This?Well she's my lil sister,kinda annoying but sometimes cute =P Still funny cos in the car she cried but when I took a picture of her,this is how she looks =_=

My lil bro,always tease him when I get the chance,always fight,but sometimes make jokes on each other and laugh..Weird..
OH!Look what I just found?It's an angry bird!Don't hunt them if u don't have the courage or too sissy =p jk.....maybe...

Now,the next title is FRIENDSHIP :)
This is a library,lol eventhough it is and u know that..I'm a librarian,so as my bestfriends.SO,here's the place where we all do our duties and make sweet & bitter memories in the library and the school area :)
She's my best friend till we die!eventhough we don't go to the same school anymore,we still didn't cut the rope of friendship :)
This is my best friend,well my other bestfriend sitting beside won't let me take her picture even though I took it,its,blurr,they are my best friend that has the strongest friendship :) End Of Title~
Lol,I know what a show off :|
This are the guys who explore everywhere~
And so much thrilling scene :O

These are the Ahnee's angels with the manager xD
There's someone missing,a missing spy,called the 'Missing Amoi'! Of course there's the 'hider' (me),'hyper','nerder' and the 'missing amoi'(not there) LOL
Me the silent killer aka hider,is a well trained spy :)

If you're hungry,then this is the best way for you to get more hungrier!muahahah! 

This is me family!!Aikaikaikaik!!(Krab's laugh) lol

Well,I guess this is the end.BYE!!!! :)

HOLD UP..! Here's a cute little souvenier for u guys ^^~<3

 OKAY,Guess this is the end......BYE^^~<3